Why should I pay for coaching services while unemployed? Shouldn't my focus be on saving money since I no longer have an income?

How long has it been since you last worked?

Do you know what your job search is actually costing you in lost income?

Are the previous ways you found a job no longer working?

I can help you reduce the amount of time & lost income you are experiencing by teaching you a proven approach, as well as strategies and techniques others have used to land a job more quickly.

Working with me should be seen as an INVESTMENT you are making in yourself, benefiting you now and for the rest of your career.

What makes you different from all the other career coaches out there?

My methodology is unorthodox vs. what you see in the career coaching services marketplace. I believe sales and marketing are at the heart of everything we do in our careers, so my approach starts with a solid foundation (objective self-assessment) and builds a career narrative (messaging) that can be leveraged to find a new job, gain a promotion or help someone make an informed decision if they are at a career inflection point. Over the course of my own career, I have successfully used every one of the tactics and strategies I teach my clients. Nothing I teach is purely theoretical.

Can you describe the typical methodology you use when working with a client? Specifically, how this assessment fits into that methodology and why you chose DISC over another industry assessment?

When I worked for various companies over the course of my career, they also gave me these types of assessments and I was probably the biggest opponent of them you could find. However, I learned over the years of managing, mentoring and coaching individuals that it helps if there is a common framework & language that can be referenced when working with each other. An industry standard assessment meets this requirement, so for my coaching practice I included an assessment as a foundational component of my methodology.

I selected the DISC assessment because it is shorter to complete than many of the others, and it focuses on natural vs. adaptive behavior (behavior can change in different environments and situations). DISC is also unique because it isn’t only used for greater self-understanding, but also helps someone understand others and how to successfully adjust their communication style. A huge benefit from using this assessment is the output (findings report) from it. This 40 page report contains so much personalized information about an individual that my methodology can quickly help someone leverage this information to assist them in all stages of their career (not just job seeking).

Do I need to finish all course material before I can start to apply my learning in real world situations like job interviews, annual reviews, etc.?

Absolutely not! I have designed my coaching approach so that as soon as you learn a concept, best practice, etc. you can immediately begin using it to your benefit. However, as you progress through my training courses, you will learn how to integrate all of this newfound knowledge into a comprehensive strategy moving forward.

Are you coaching services only valuable to job seekers?

Absolutely not! Unfortunately, most people are only interested in career coaching services while they are looking for a job. While my services help active job seekers tremendously, I teach concepts and best practices that are applicable to all aspects of career management. I think most, if not all of my coaching clients will make a comment about wishing they had used my services earlier in their careers when they weren’t looking for a job. There isn’t anything in my core methodology that couldn’t be used to help people as they try to determine where they are in their careers and where they want to go.